LRWA Associate Membership

EverRoof® helps amplify the collective voice of the liquid roofing and waterproofing industry

As a reflection of their industry commitment and aligning with those leading the way across the UK in roofing and waterproofing delivery,  EverRoof, part of the Evergreens UK Group, have joined the Liquid Roofing and Waterproofing Association (LRWA) as Associate Members.  Amplifying the collective voice of the specialist industry sector, the LRWA works with key industry influencers, suppliers, contractors and manufacturers across the UK.

As Associate members, EverRoof will be able to engage directly with the membership, helping to establish and refine product, training and installation standards as well as technical specifications for improved performance, efficiencies and customer benefit.

Sector Excellence

In their first month of membership, members of the EverRoof team joined the industry to celebrate the LRWA Awards earlier this month (March 2024). One of EverRoof’s artificial green roof systems, EVR3,  played an integral part in one of the shortlisted awards at Grand Union Canal. Attending the event was a fantastic way to immerse the team in the sector’s excellence alongside the leading players in its supply and delivery chains.  Andy Driver, Group Commercial Director said: “We are excited to be working with the members to forge new partnerships and bring our unique offering to more cityscapes across Europe.”

Fire rating classified and wind resistant to at least 100mph

Dale Wilson, Technical Manager at EverRoof is keen to work closely on the specification and installation practices within this sector. EverRoof has developed four different EverRoof artificial green roof systems: EVR1 3-part system; EVR2 Micromesh System; EVR3 Paving System and EVR4 Stone-based system.  These systems are the only available products to hold classifications for fire (A-C rating) and wind resistance to at least 100 mph and have been installed on many large scale roofing, landscape and podium projects across the UK including Crown Street, Manchester; The Silk District, Whitechapel and Battersea Power Station.

For more information on the EverRoof artificial green roof systems, contact Dale Wilson on 01572 766911 or by email

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